In the 21st century, the club underwent involuntary shifts from periodic successes (17 championship titles, with the latest in 1999) to a deep decline. Having experienced bankruptcy, the “Grenats” (Grenadines) only recently returned to the Super League. The coach who achieved this, Geiger, managed to secure a 2nd place in the previous season before retiring. He was succeeded by Wyler, whose recent positions included “Al-Ahli” and “Kasimpa Antlers”. Ren? debuted with a victory over “Grasshoppers,” and immediately the Swiss team began their performances in the UEFA Champions League qualifying rounds. Quite unexpectedly, they managed to overcome the more experienced “Genk” (on penalties after a couple of productive draws). Last week, the new coach suffered his first defeat in his new position. However, after conceding twice in the first quarter-hour, the guests in Glasgow managed to narrow the gap to a respectable 1-2.
Under Gerrard’s leadership, the team reached its peak – it prevented the hated “Celtic” from securing their 10th consecutive title and Gerrard himself became a champion for the first time since the club’s bankruptcy and return from semi-amateur level. However, Steven was lured by “Aston Villa,” and without him, the “Light Blues” couldn’t maintain their leading position. Currently, by the way, the manager is Gerrard’s former assistant, Bill – but even with him, they secured a 2nd place (and a lost League Cup final). They once again embarked on the UEFA Champions League qualification journey under his leadership. They started fiercely, scoring twice in 15 minutes. However, they then conceded in response from a penalty and, despite having a player advantage for over half an hour, only managed a 2-1 victory. Now, in Switzerland, losing is not an option.