Golfing Calendar

Golfing Calendar Golfing Calendar

Golf is truly a global sport in every sense of the word. People from all walks of life take time to play the game on a recreational and professional level. It was only natural that the worldwide appeal of golf was picked up on in the betting world and for many bookmakers to start including golf markets on their respected betting sites. The boom is now really taking off and the world of golf betting is at an all time high. The two main tours for men’s golf come in the form of the PGA Tour and the European Tour. Both are multi million pound tours where it’s not uncommon for the winner of an event (held weekly) to walk away with over $1million in their back pocket.

The female tour is run by the LPGA and again is very successful component in the golfing calendar. Whilst ladies golf isn’t as high profile as the men’s just yet, over the past 5 years it has seen rapid growth with field sizes doubling in that time frame. The ladies tour is actually a relatively untapped market when it comes to betting on golf, so a little research could go a long way here.

The highlights of the golfing calendar come in the form of the four majors; US Open, British Open, USPGA Championship and The Masters. Each one carries its own esteem, but all provide the chance for one player to be at the top of the golfing world, if only for a short while.

Whilst the majors are the highlights for the people playing, they are also the busiest times for the golf bettor. More money is traded during the major championships then at any other time of year when it comes to golf. It’s not always the best time to get the really good value bets, but its defiantly going to be when the markets are most active.

The odds for players to win a tournament are like very few sporting events on the planet. Due to the sheer size of the playing field at the start of a tournament (often around 80 players) the odds are much longer compared to sports with fewer ‘runners’. This means that even the price for a favourite is going to be at around 15/1 (tournament dependent), so the value is simply huge in golf. The most recent British Open winner, Darren Clarke, was quoted at one point to be at 250/1 at the start to lift the claret jug!

Golf Betting Sites

When it comes to golf betting sites, you should be looking to choose the ones which have the best offers. This may seem pretty obvious, but golf betting is synonymous with money back offers from an array of bookmakers, some of which we have tried and tested before presenting to you. Look out for; Pay top 7 in each way bets, match up deals and selected money back specials.

Golf Betting Tips

No Tiger – Since the rapid decline in the game of one of the greatest players to have played the game in Tiger Woods, the field has become much more even and the game is probably as competitive as it’s been for over a decade. This means picking longer shot winners are much more likely to pay off.

Shop around – It should be common practice for all serious sports bettors to shop around for the best price, but in golf the margins can be huge. A 40/1 shot on one site could be as long as 60 or even 80/1 on another. The wider the field, the longer the odds. The more bookmakers that currently offer competitive golf odds have increased, resulting in competition for the best prices.

Each way betting – A concept used and made famous via horse racing, each way betting works brilliantly well with golf. Due to the massively increased odds in the playing field, each way betting will still provide you with excellent odds even when reduced. Look out for bookmakers paying top 7 places!

FAQ: Golfing Calendar

Major events include The Masters, PGA Championship, U.S. Open, and The Open Championship, all crucial for betting strategies.

The timing of tournaments affects player performance due to factors like course conditions and weather, which can impact betting odds.

Major golf tournaments typically take place from April to September, aligning with the peak of the golf season.

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