Remember growing up when you and your friends would play hypotheticals? At length you would decided which football club you were going to play for when you were definitely going to be a professional footballer, and then you had to decided whether to buy a Ferrari or Lamborghini with all your millions.
As you grew older the talk inevitably turned to girls and there was the tough decision between whether you would marry Supermodel A or Actress B (I still remember intense year 7 debates about which of my friends would marry Brittney Spears and which would have Christina Aguilera, if only we knew….).
Of course sometimes in life these decisions aren’t so difficult. For example would you like a 1972 Datsun 180B, or a Bugatti Veyron?
Deciding whether you should open a Pinnacle account is one of those decisions. I mean I’m sure the Datsun gets better mileage, but really, it’s a no contest. Or let me put it this way, if you had to bet on a fight between 1965 Mohammad Ali and Dave the overweight pack-a-day IT guy, who would you bet on?
Because when it comes to the world of sport betting, Pinnacle is Mohammad Ali. They tell everyone they are the greatest, and have the fists to back it up. By the way, if you want to get accurate soccer predictions, we recommend that you follow the link provided and subscribe to the blog section updates. Still not convinced? I recently took Pinnacle Sports for a test drive to see if it really is as good as they claim.
I will get into what’s great about Pinnacle soon, but firstly let’s start with some of its flaws. I will get this out of the way right now, if this was purely a website judging review and Pinnacle didn’t have a point of differentiation from all other books it wouldn’t be the best sports book on the internet. Probably not even close.
Once you log into Pinnacle you have the option of “classic view” or “asian view”. I’m not 100% sure what makes asian view very asian, but it’s not super pretty. Classic view? Looks better, but has awful navigation. Ok I’m probably being a bit harsh, and to be honest my judgement is only really in comparison to how great Pinnacle does other things.
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Asian view is actually quite handy for those who want to see a lot of markets in a very quick view, it’s also quite easy to view who is the favourite in each market as the teams are colour coded (even if the orange and blue do burn out your retinas). It also flashes with price movement, which is actually pretty amazing (especially for live betting). Navigation between the sports and bet types is easy, and you can place bets without losing sight of the different price movements. It also has tabs to view your pending and current bets, again, without leaving the live odds screen.
Damn it, its actually really good. Except for the colours, change those.
While asian view is suited more towards the punter who needs information quickly or is betting live, classic view is definitely for the more casual (in speed at least) punter. It looks much sleeker than the asian view, but has a very clunky navigation which means you go from one page to another, and backwards and forwards. I personally didn’t like this- but others might – and let’s be honest you do have the option of either.
Probably the only real criticism of Pinnacle is that they don’t seem to have the depth of proposition markets that other more local books might. However I think this is mostly due to time rather than anything else. Because of the sheer number of sports covered (and many live), it just wouldn’t be practical to have prop markets for every sport. Just another reason for you to have more than one bookmaker account.
Three things set Pinnacle apart from every other bookmaker in the world, their odds, their bet limits, and who is allowed the bet with them.
Put simply, Pinnacle is a turnover bookmaker. Rather than take bets and hope the punter loses, Pinnacle hopes to balance its books and make its money off “the juice”. This of course means that Pinnacle needs to turn over A LOT of money to make serious profits. And this is great news for you!
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To attract punters Pinnacle has some of the lowest market percentages in the industry, which means more money in your back pocket. They also want you to turn over money, lots and lots of it. And this is good for you because they will never close your account, no matter how much money you win. They are also up front about the maximum bet, it’s actually right in front of you when you place your wager. How great is that! No waiting for a bet, or having it reduced after you’ve click submit, you know right then and there how much you have on. Does Pinnacle always have the best odds? No, but more often than not they do, and they will never close your account, and you know exactly how much you can put down on any bet. So are you going to go with the Datsun or the Bugatti?
Pinnacle Sports is a prominent online betting platform known for competitive odds and high bet limits.
Pinnacle offers low market percentages, high betting limits, and a policy of not limiting winning accounts, making it highly attractive for serious bettors.
Pinnacle provides a 'Classic View' for a sleek user interface and an 'Asian View' for quick access to markets and odds.
Pinnacle is known as a turnover bookmaker, focusing on balancing books rather than making profits from player losses.
The platform may lack depth in proposition markets compared to more localized bookmakers.
Yes, it caters to both; however, its features are particularly beneficial for professional or very active bettors.