If something has grown in the past years it is sports betting, Internet has undoubtedly contributed to the increase of this activity which some individuals get involved with just for the fun or pleasure it gives them to find out if their instincts are correct and some others take it as a funny and exciting way to earn some extra money.
For fun or for money, if you are considering getting into it, here are the top ten sports betting terms you must know beforehand so as to understand what is going on around. Even knowing you are a beginner you will be asked or talked about some basic betting things, which you need to know. There are much more than these listed ten terms but you will catch them easily as you get involved in sports betting and find out what it is about.
Read also: Safety Precautions When Indulging in Online Sports Betting.
Good luck!
Read also: Greatest Prop Bets Ever Made.
'Action' means any type of bet or the total amount of money wagered on a game.
A 'Bankroll' is the total amount of money a player has available for betting.
A 'Beard' is someone who places bets on behalf of another person to keep the identity of the actual bettor hidden.
A 'Chalk player' typically bets on the favorites, putting money on the team expected to win.
A 'Circled game' refers to a match where betting options are restricted by the bookmaker due to factors like weather or injuries.